




Richard Kingston Harpsichords

Instrument models available from the shop of Richard Kingston
as of September 1, 1999, include:

• 18th-Century French Double, compass FF-F3.
• Richard Kingston Northern European Double, compass FF-g3.
• Petite Ravalement, compass GG/BB-e3.
• 18th-Century French Single, compass FF-f3, disposition 2 x 8'.
• 17th-Century Flemish Single Petite Ravalement, compass GG/BB-d3.
• Italian Single, with outer case.
• Flemish Muselar, compass C/E-c3, after Couchet.

All of these instruments are available with soundboard painting, various case decorations, appropriate period stands, heavy padded canvas cover for transport and protection and maintenance kit.

In view of the wide range of musical and decorative options available to purchasers of Kingston harpsichords, each commission is negotiated individually and priced according to the specific requirements of the owner. Inquiries are welcomed.

All Kingston harpsichords are warranted against structural failures of any kind for the life of the instrument.

Owners of Kingston single manual harpsichords may trade in their instruments at full refund of original purchase price towards a double manual Kingston harpsichord at any time. Trades towards new instruments may also be negotiated in connection with kit harpsichords of acceptable quality.

Commissions for new instruments are made by written contract. Normal terms for commission of an instrument include a down payment of one-third upon execution of the contract/ incremental payments of the next third of the purchase price during construction and a final payment of one-third at the time of completion and delivery. Custom payment schedules may be negotiated.

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